Kristiania University College: A Success Story

April 10, 2024
Kristiania University College: A Success Story

Kristiania's tale is a solid nod to the muscle of analytics in shaping the future of edu-marketing. It drives home the point that a well-crafted brand story, backed by data, can indeed move mountains. Even though these ideas might seem easy, putting them into action and figuring out their impact isn't always straightforward. Their story stands as a testament and inspiration–a call to action for the adoption of holistic analytics and performance.

Let’s dive in.

Back in 2022, while Norway's educational scene was navigating a tricky 12% dip in student sign-ups, Kristiania University College stood out. With an eye on the prize of becoming the go-to professional university in Norway by the year 2030, they turned to the cutting-edge tools of data analytics, teaming up with us and Knowit.

Shedding its old name, Høyskolen Kristiania, for the catchy 'Kristiania,' the university embarked on a quest to cut through the educational marketing clutter. Their goal was to elevate the brand's profile and make their courses more appealing to potential students, all within an era marked by unpredictability. The usual suspects–economic instability, rising prices, and hesitant post-pandemic decisions–had thrown a wrench in the works. To set their course and secure a position at the top, Kristiania relied on the transformative power of deep dive analytics.

We devised a shrewd plan for growth that wouldn't send their media spending through the roof. They zeroed in on polishing the university's image and smartly allocating resources where they mattered most.

Kristiania kicked off their promotions early, stepping ahead while others were still in the planning phase, sidestepping the last-minute scramble. Choosing a university is a significant life decision, not something done on a whim like an impulsive weekend plan or picking a show to binge-watch. By steering clear of the typical last-gasp push that's all too common, Kristiania underscored the weight of such a pivotal decision. This move set them apart, producing outstanding results in their master's and bachelor's programs alike. Their clever use of analytics raised student interest and greatly improved the Kristiania brand's attractiveness.

Breaking down the results:

  • A notable 19% surge in student applications, which meant welcoming 4,921 new students, sailing past their enrollment goals.
  • A striking 47% increase in media profitability, jumping from 5.4 to 8 applicants per 10k NOK invested—proving the impact of their redesigned marketing plan.
  • A remarkable 48% uptick in application conversion rates. Even with fewer website visits, strategic ad placement and timing led to higher conversion rates, proving that the right message delivered at the right time, attracted top-tier talent.
  • A 21% increase in brand awareness, boosting Kristiania's visibility and appeal.

Feeling inspired? Reach out and let's discuss turning your strategy from "meh" to a success.